Lugol's Iodine 101
19th Feb 2021
Lugol’s solution was developed 1829 by the French physician Jean Guillaume August Lugol. Initially Dr. Lugol researched substances that could help treat infections and found that iodine could be used and showed it to be an effective bactericide and fungicide.
Since then, research has shown Iodine to have a multitude of benefits on our health and well-being, including our energy levels, our mental alertness and cognitive function, and it also helps in the metabolism of fats in the body. It also helps the reproductive system, assists in nerve and bone formation, and helps produce full and shiny hair. It gives us a greater ability to tolerate cold, it strengthens the immune system and helps remove toxic chemicals and radiation from our system, and it even helps us in having a good night’s sleep.
Iodine is an essential trace element and an integral component of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are required for normal growth and development of our bodies. Proper amounts of iodine are needed for growth of our brain. Iodine is linked with normal cognitive function, and the process in the brain responsible for memory, attention, clear thinking, learning, reasoning, and decision making.
Iodine is an element that plays an essential role in the functioning of a healthy thyroid. It is used for the production of thyroid hormones.
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower front of the neck just below the Adam’s apple. The thyroid’s job is to make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body.
Thyroid hormone helps the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working as they should.
All organs and tissues in the body seem to be affected by thyroid hormones. A few additional, well-documented effects of thyroid hormones include:
Metabolism: Thyroid hormones affect your metabolic rate, which means how fast or slow your brain, heart, muscles, liver, and other parts of your body work.
Central nervous system: Both decreased and increased concentrations of thyroid hormones lead to alterations in mental state. Too little thyroid hormone and the individual tend to feel mentally sluggish, while too much induces anxiety and nervousness.
Reproductive system: Normal reproductive behaviour and physiology is dependent on having essentially normal levels of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism in particular is commonly associated with infertility.
Cardiovascular system: Thyroid hormones increases heart rate, cardiac contractility and cardiac output. They also promote vasodilation, which leads to enhanced blood flow to many organs.
Growth: Thyroid hormones are necessary for normal growth in children and adults.
Carbohydrate metabolism: Thyroid hormones stimulate almost all aspects of carbohydrate metabolism, including enhancement of insulin-dependent entry of glucose into cells and increased gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis to generate free glucose.
Thyroid Imbalances can cause the following symptoms
- inability to tolerate heat
- irritability or nervousness
- muscle weakness or tremors
- sleep disturbances
- vision problems or eye irritation
- dry, coarse skin and hair
- weak nails
- fatigue
- forgetfulness
- frequent, heavy menstrual periods
- hoarse voice
- inability to tolerate cold
- weight gain
- cold hands and feet
Lugol’s Iodine can be used as both a topical treatment and nutritional supplement for those lacking sufficient Iodine in their diet. As a nutritional supplement Lugol’s Iodine is easy to use, just simply add 1-4 drops into a glass of juice, daily. Before you embark on using Lugol’s Iodine as a supplement, please consult your doctor before doing so.
Adults need 150mcg of iodine per day. *British Thyroid Foundation
Due to Lugol’s anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic components it is a great asset to any first aid kit. It cleans and treat cuts, grazes, burns. Iodine is used for skin disinfection before and after surgery and therefore great for treatment of minor wounds.
Many suffers of respiratory disorders such hay fever, COPD, Asthma have found adding a few drops to salt pipe eases their conditions.